THE INDIAN PARADOX Should I import Date? When Love is Dumb – A Poem from Bosnia Herzegovina Migratory birds – Poetry from Bangladesh The Ganges River Flows – A Poem from Korea Pre-Partition Educational Institutions of Shikarpur Sindh ALTERING DIVINE EQUATIONS: THE TECHNOMAN AS A THREAT TO EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL BALANCE Rasool Bukhsh Palijo – An Undying Beacon of Light – Part-1
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Mahatma Gandhi


If India as a great nation, has something to be proud of, it is its great cultural and spiritual tradition. And if it has anything to worry about, it is the absence of national character and statesmen from its political stage. The Indian way of life can be best understood if one understands the cultural nuances of this country, which are

Through Ashes and Love: Exploring the Depths of Human Connection in Cormac McCarthy's The Road

“Where there is love there is life” Mahatma Gandhi Cormac McCarthy's novel, ‘The Road’, conjures a post-apocalyptic wasteland where the remnants of love and life are poignantly crystallised in the bond between the boy and the man, and in the mother's sacrificial acts, which epitomise love through death.